Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Organisation Culture

When Looking at 'Organisation Culture', the theory Organisational Iceberg by French and Bell,1990 is the first that comes to mind. The theory suggests that the organisations of the business are split into two categories. Informal and Formal. The Informal organisations focus on  Values, attitudes and beliefs, leadership styles and norms of behavior as apposed to the formal organisational style which focuses on the goals, strategy and structure of a business. It is clear from looking at the ‘Visual’ aspects of culture in an organisation, that these attitudes reflect atmosphere of the business. When analysing this, i thought it would be best to look at a place that has a lot of character and atmosphere. ‘Mi-Shake’ in the Eden Centre in High Wycombe is a milkshake shop which provides hundreds of different types of milkshakes and brings a highly unique, interesting approach to selling milkshakes. The shop is set out to draw and attract customers with its bright green signs and animated pictures of cows as the display window. The language used within the shop is simple and informative, providing customers with the information they need in order to decide if they want to try the products being sold. Only using their own ice cream and mixing it with product brands the customers know and love such as chocolate bars and biscuits, the customer quickly can decide what type of milkshake they want and how it will be made for them. “The 4 step process to an excellent taste experience” is a step by step guide the creators have invented to explain how to create your ideal milkshake. The fun and easy guide attract and draws customers in as they are allowed to experience and help create and design their own milkshake instead of picking from the standard basics. The atmosphere within the shop is very relaxed and fun and does not feel like a business environment, even when there are many people in the shop all looking to buy a milkshake, the shop still withholds its fun atmosphere. Part of this atmosphere is gained by the staff’s uniform, the casual look adds to the bright colours of the shop and the general pace of work and allows the shop to be an inviting and very exciting place to go. The reputation the shop has created for itself by using the simple techniques it has, has created a very well thought of shop. The expectations of the customer when entering the shop will be met due to the management style that has been used within the shop. The friendly upbeat atmosphere automatically communicates a memory in the customers mind and will then force them to be more willing to come back and gain the same experience again.

Handy created a few key terms which can be applied to culture in organisations. The first we look at is, ‘Power Culture’. This, in simple terms is when an organisation, no matter how big or small, uses a few powerful figures as the centre of the organisation. These people only rely on each other to create the ideas, rules and the systems that they then pass on out of the main circle, on to the people who are below them. This creates fast decisions and the communication of the organisation is strictly sent from those above in charge. An example of this type of culture would be seen from the Army. There is no freedom of thought and are directed to do exactly what you are told to do.

Looking at ‘Role Culture’, we can see that it is very much based on the typical bureaucratic system. The hierarchy and chain of command is very much central in this type of organisational culture. The structure of the ‘Role Culture’ idea, believes that the orders come directly from the person in charge and they filter it down to the lower levels which fundamentally hold up the business. People who are employed within the business work to their job description and no more, the power within the business is based on hierarchy. This type of culture is better used in a business that is not subject to change and which rules and regulations are followed quite strictly. An example of this type of culture would be the ‘Indian State Railway’. It employees over 1.5 million employees.

Moving on and looking at ‘Task Culture’, it can be seen that this differs greatly from the first two we have seen. ‘Task Culture’ looks predominantly at team working and letting the different areas of the organisation work closely together. The project based company would look for the task to be the key point rather than the people and rules that are tied to it. The freedom and flexibility that comes with ‘Task Culture’ ensures that there is a relaxed atmosphere where ideas are free to float around and new developments can occur naturally.  An example of this type of culture can be seen from a managing consultancy company such as KPMG, McKinsey or Ernst & Young.

Finally, we look at ‘Person culture’. This culture is not entirely appropriate for a business due to its extreme lack of hierarchy. This type of culture is based on the individuals being the central part of the organisation and it existing to meet the interests of those within it. An example of which would be barristers or architects; People who share the exact same degree of professional standards as others they work with, therefore there can not be any hierarchy. They work together in order to achieve what has to be done. An example of this where the people cantered culture crosses over into the corporate world would be where the firm takes the form of a partnership. A large and very successful example of this would be the investment bank ‘Goldman Sacks’. The company made over $13 bn in 2009 alone.

Several problems may occur when trying to classify culture and force it into one of the categories above. For example, the type of business you decide to depict and place into a category, may hold one or two different structures within the organisation and could be placed over two of the above categories. Also, not every business is run exactly how the four above categories created by Handy.

To summarise, my findings have shown that although Handy’s four definitions of Culture are useful, not all businesses can be fit into a category. And each business and organisation needs its own structure put in place in order for the company to work well and grown in which ever way it can.

Referencing :

Hofstede, 1984

Organisational Iceberg by French and Bell,1990

L. J. Millins Management & Organisational Behaviour 9th Edition.

 Handy 1993 Four Types Of Culture

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Enterprise Week

During enterprise week I was presented the opportunity to attend two activities hosted by entrepreneurs who had made a success of their business and were able to share their experiences and provide information about how they created and began their journeys into the business world.
For my blog I have decided to write about the activity I attended in the old boardroom that was simply called ‘Ella’s Kitchen’.  

The business is an organic food range for young children. The business aims to give the children the fruit and vegetables they need everyday but in a fun, tasty and creative way. The session lasted an hour and a half, during this time we were given the opportunity to listen to the entrepreneur and find out more about how he started his business and how he took the steps in order to finance it. We were also given the chance to ask questions and indulge deeper into conversation with the owner about his business and complications he had to over come in order to make it a success.
Throughout the activity I took vast amounts of notes and listen intently to what each entrepenour had to say. After sitting through ‘Ella’s Kitchen’ I can fully see the risks that come with setting up your own business. Risking your own assets in order to provide a secure financial start for your business can be terribly risky but is a huge part of setting up a business and can be worth while. Upon reflection I can see how the success of ‘Ella’s’ Kitchen’ has come about and the hard work put in to it to achieve the position it holds in the market now. The company has achieved immense ground in the baby food market with a whopping 10%. It was named the 9th fastest growing company of the year and its products are available in six different counteries with room for expansion. The business was also named Food And Drink brand of the year. The products conect mainly with the parents who buy the food for the children but the packaging and language used has been inspired by children so it will attract the childrens attention and they will want to try it. The aim of the products are to excite the five different senses and create a different eating experience for the children whilst still providing them with the fruit and vegetables they need everyday. The business has a target of putting 200,000,000 portions of fruit and vegetables in kids by 2012. With such high ambition, the company does not seem to be slowing down. The well known brand can be found in most super markets such as Tesco.
The veriety of information provided to us during ‘Ella’s Kitchen’ presentation can not be faulted in my opinion. The entrepenour had thoughtout thoroughly exactly how to provide the audience with information on how to start up a business you’re deeply passionate about and the struggles one must face in order to do so.
This event has definitely motivated me to create my own business when I am in a position to later in life. It has convinced me that although there are risks involved, if the idea is believable enough and has enough promise, the risk could be worth taking. ‘Ella’s Kitchen’ has influenced me to research more into starting a self owning business and finding out more about how to take the steps in order to make a profit and grow and develop the size of the business. Overall, this event was very worthwhile attending, I enjoy it thouroughly.


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Improving Staff Performance

When comparing the content and process theories, we can see that firstly from analysing the ‘Content’ theories, they are based on the idea that individuals have certain needs which they want and need to pursue. The content theories are what motivate people as apposed to the ‘Process’ theories. These theories are based on the idea that the individual selects the goal they wish to achieve and calculates which way to gain and achieve it. The process theories look at how they motivate the staff. 

Theories such as the 'Expectancy theory' by  Vroom, Porter & Lawler. The Equity Theory by Adams and The Goal theory by Locke. Each of these theories follow the same basic path of what you put into your work, you take back. The simple idea of effort and reward systems are put in place to motivate the workers. When difficult goals are set, a higher performance level is required to be put in and the reward level that is achieved at the end is higher.

The organisation I have chosen to look at is ‘Clarks’. The well known shoe shop has been around for many years and has built up its recognisable brand and now has a decent reputation of giving the customer what they want and need. 
Researching into the company has enabled me to find out how they motivate their employees and how this differs from other companies.
When working at ‘Clarks’, the different job title you have allows you the chance for different benefits. Working in retail can ensure that the employees enjoy the healthy 33% discount on products which can be used up to twenty times every year and are provided with ‘stylish’ uniforms. Staff can also enjoy the in-store incentives and can be part of the team bonuses and are also given the option of joining the pension scheme that ‘Clarks’ has to offer. The managers of the store are also eligible to join the health care scheme and going up higher again to the very top store managers; they can have the chance at receiving a ‘company car cash allowance’.

It can be seen from researching into ‘Clarks’ that the organisation uses process theories to create motivation within their employees. One of the process theories that stand out most to me when looking at the business is the Expectancy Theory. The idea that the effort you put it, leads to good performance within the work place and then the individual is rewarded for their work can be seen from the incentives being offered by ‘Clarks’.
When an employee uses their ability and skill to succeed within their job and their outcomes are as healthy as their input, then they should be rewarded.

To conclude, it can be seen from my findings that in order to truly motivate the staff, the organisation must look at what an individual employee wishes to achieve and help them do so and put in decent motivational structure and encourage them to move forward with their progress.  


Expectancy theory by  Vroom, Porter & Lawler

The Equity Theory by Adams

The Goal theory by Locke

L. J. Mullins Management & Organisational Behaviour. 9th Edition.


The ‘nature’/ ‘nurture’ debate has been ongoing over the past years. Some say that personality is inherited to us through our genes; this being classed as the nature side of the debate. Others however argue that it is our environment that conditions us to be the way we are; this being the ‘nurture’ side of the argument.

When looking at the personality of an individual, two key words are used, ‘Nomothetic’ and ‘Idiographic’.  When looking at ‘Nomothetic’ personality, we refer to Cattell and Eysenck. The ‘Nomothetic’ approach is described to us as having characteristics that can be applied to a lot of people, not just an individual. An individual can fit into a personality type which is fixed to that specific person; it can be found out by taking an objective questionnaire.
It is believed that the ‘Nomothetic’ approach is linked to the heredity, biology and genetic side of an individual. It is believed that the traits and personality of a person can be clustered together in groups such as ‘introvert’, ‘extrovert’, ‘emotional stability’ and ‘emotional instability’.

Moving onto the ‘Idiographic’ approach, we refer to Jung, Rogers, Skinner and Kelly for our research. This approach looks at the idea that personality is based on uniqueness and being open and adaptable to change. It is believed that when the interaction with the environment changes, the individual may change too. This approach believes that the depth and richness of a person’s personality can not be depicted from an open personality test and they can not tie down and pin point exactly which group a personality fits into as it has many and is adaptable to change. A person’s self- concept of their identity is entirely dependant on how they see themselves and interoperate their understanding.

It is my belief that one’s personality can not be wholly dependant on either the ‘nature’ or ‘nurture’ side of the debate but in fact they both work together and are both as prominent in creating an individuals personality.

After taking the BBC personality test, I can see from the results that I am an introvert person who has low openness and a high agreeable nature. I conscientiousness is classed as being medium and my neuroticism is high. I can safely say that i agree with these results, i think the test got my personality spot on and i can now go on to develop my personality knowing my weaknesses and knowing where i need to improve within myself.

To conclude, the ‘nature’/ ‘nurture’ debate is still going on and although there are differences of opinion, mine is still that both are needed in order to create an individuals personality. I believe that there has been enough research and evidence collected to conclude that both are vital when looking at personality.


L. J. Mullins Management & Organisational Behaviour (2010) 9th Edition.